For the past 35 years Fleet News has been the leading media brand in the UK fleet industry. With its portfolio of first class events, websites and special reports, nobody covers the company car and van fleet industry better than Fleet News.
Our mission at Fleet News is to help companies manage their fleets more efficiently and effectively by keeping them up to date with market developments and new products/services. Key to this is bringing together suppliers and customers and helping them do their jobs better.
Launched in 1978, Fleet News is the leading communication platform for senior decision makers within the Fleet Industry. It is 100% requested by its readers.
With a portfolio of industry titles (Fleet News, Commercial Fleet, Fleet Leasing and Driving Business), the best read media website, leading industry events and our supplements, Fleet News is the number one resource for news, analysis, best practice advice and comment for the car and van fleet community.
New initiatives, such as the Fleet200, which analyses trends and data from the 200 biggest fleets in the sector, give us unparalleled access to the leading thought-makers.
Fleet News is proud to continue to support the UK Fleet Industry and is committed to providing fleet decision makers with an unrivalled portfolio of products to assist in their role.
There are many ways you can work with Fleet News and this media pack presents the most effective and popular. We pride ourselves on our creativity, innovation and customer-orientated values, so contact us to discuss bespoke products and services too.
Stephen Briers,
Fleet News